We are a network of over 700 people, in the UK and beyond, using our time and skills to support world mission, for the sake of the gospel.
MissionAssist is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and part of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
We are a network of over 700 people, in the UK and beyond, using our time and skills to support world mission, for the sake of the gospel.
MissionAssist is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and part of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
MissionAssist provides help and resources at no cost, wherever you are in the world, to support you in your mission.
Our Services & ResourcesUse your skills and experience to serve world mission, without leaving home, in our wide range of Christian volunteer roles with flexible hours.
Volunteer for a serving roleRead our free, online Bible and commentaries in EasyEnglish or explore our adult literacy booklets in four languages.
ResourcesSome other opportunities to volunteer may also available.